
Discover the transformative power of conscious breathing

Everything is easier with the right breathing. Breathwork brings focus, concentration, emotional relaxation, more energy, inner peace and improves your all-round well-being. In Bloom&Grow workshops, you will learn effective techniques that you can seamlessly integrate into your everyday life.

Why Breathwork?

In our hectic world, most people have got into the habit of breathing incorrectly: they breathe too short and too shallowly. Do you feel the same way? The problem with this is that too little oxygen gets into the blood. Shallow breathing also activates our so-called ‘sympathetic nervous system’, which is responsible for automatic bodily functions such as heart rate and blood pressure and triggers the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response. Shallow breathing therefore helps to keep us in a constant state of alert and stress.

How does Breathwork work?

Healthy breathing consists of three phases - exhaling, resting and inhaling - and should flow through the nose. Breathing through the nose is important because it cleans, warms and moisturises the air so that it can be absorbed more easily. Deep, regular breathing has a positive effect on your hormone balance and body chemistry, can aid your digestion and even lower your blood pressure.

Advantages of Breathwork at a glance

Through conscious and connected breathing, we can not only supply our brain and all our cells with sufficient oxygen, but also release stored trauma, gain new insights about ourselves and discover much more. Brings you into balance and increases your zest for life- Provides emotional balance and helps you to reduce your mental load- Improves mental clarity and concentration- Reduces symptoms of stress and anxiety and helps with depression- Helps you to strengthen your personal relationships- Can help with sleep problems- Improves your circulation and strengthens your Immunsystem Can relieve hay fever- In combination with coaching, Breathwork helps to resolve trauma and let go of unhealthy patterns and beliefs and replace them with positive ones. Are you interested in trying out breathwork? Get in touch with me without obligation or book a breathing workshop (live or online) for yourself or your team. - I look forward to seeing you!


Breathwork Events

Evening Yoga Experience Dezember

Years End Special.

Ich freue mich Dich für den diesjährigen Endjahresevent am 4. und 18. Dezember im Karl dem Grossen für Yoga & Sound einzuladen.
Es erwartet Dich eine wunderschöne Meditation, ein dynamischer Yogaflow, ein Soundbad für die Seele und Möglichkeit zu Tanzen.

Mit einem Ritual bewusst die "Gedankensamen" der tiefen Herzenswünsche für das neue Jahr setzen und mit gleichgesinnten Menschen einen tollen Abend feiern.
Karl der Grosse, Kirchstrasse 14, 8001 Zürich.
Bringe deine Yogamatte mit , ev. Decke oder Schal
Uhrzeit & Daten
Montag, 4. und Montag 18. Dezember
19:00 bis 21:00 Uhr
40 CHF pro Session (auf Anmeldung per Mobile oder Mail und Bezahlung über Twint 079 220 02 71)
Hatha Yoga 2024

Together we Grow

Dies ist eine kräftigende und inspirierende Hatha Yoga Klasse für alle Levels.
In 60 Minuten lässt sie verschiedene Traditionen aberhauptsächlich klassisches Hatha Yoga sowie auch Atemübungen füreinen optimalen Start ins Wochenende zusammenfliessen. Diese Kombination nährt sowohl das physische als auch das emotionale undmentale Wohlbefinden.Eine Vinyasa Flow Lektion für alle Levels. Die Asanas fördern Kraft,Balance und Beweglichkeit. Ideal für alle, die dynamisches kraftvollesYOGA lieben.
Breitlinger Saal, Helferei, 8001 Zürich
Bringe deine Yogamatte mit, ev. Decke oder Schal
Uhrzeit & Daten
Freitags jeweils 8:00 bis 9:00 Uhr

12./26. Januar
16./23. Februar
01./15. März
05. April
07./14. Juni
Einzelstunde 30 CHF
Einzelstunde Semester bis Ende Juni 2024 (11 Session) 270 CHF
Vinyasa Flow 2024

Together we Bloom

Schenke Dir Zeit. Starte den Tag mit Energie und Entspannung.
Eine Vinyasa Flow Lektion für alle Levels. Die Asanas fördern Kraft, Balance und Beweglichkeit. Ideal für alle, die dynamisches kraftvolles YOGA lieben.
Breitlinger Saal, Helferei, 8001 Zürich
Bringe deine Yogamatte mit, ev. Decke oder Schal
Uhrzeit & Daten
Freitags jeweils 9:30 bis 11:00Uhr

12./26. Januar
16./23. Februar
01./15. März
05. April
07./14. Juni
Einzelstunde 40 CHF
Semesterabo bis Ende Juni 2024 (11 Session ) 360 CHF
Breathwork 2024

Gruppen Breathwork

Our body carries an archive of everything that has happened to us, even before we were born. It contains this infinite wisdom and the breath opens its door. Would you like to find out more about Breathwork and how it can give you a wonderful experience in just one session?
This yoga class is suitable for all levels of experience. We will practice different yoga positions to stretch, strengthen and relax the body. The combination of breath and movement will calm the mind and clear the thoughts. The ideal way to set the mood for your day.
Bring your yoga mat, possibly a blanket or scarf.
The event takes place mainly in Germany.
Time & Date
Fridays 19:00 until 21:00pm
22. November
250 CHF

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